2024 Spring Term Astrology Talks in Brighton

Chairman Victor Olliver has great pleasure in announcing the Brighton Astrology Circle 2024 Spring term programme of Wednesday evening talks via Zoom. 

3 January: Big News! A Bright New Comet is Heralded for 2024. What Does it Mean Astrologically? 

A Virtual Talk with Rod Chang

Rod Chang
Rod Chang

The International Minor Planet Centre has announced the name of a new comet, C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS). Its perihelion will be on 28 September 2024 (at 16 Virgo) with a predicted magnitude from -0.2 to 0.9. It could very well be the great comet of this year. In this talk we’ll not only talk about its possible impact with astrological perspectives, but also share information on when and how to see this comet. Is it a new celestial to use in your work?

Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, both through self-study and the Faculty of Astrological Studies. His favourite techniques are mundane astrology and fixed stars, and he brings a humanistic approach to his work. He is the co-founder of the Academy of Astrology. Recently he was elected a Board Trustee of the Astrological Association.

Rod is a truly international astrologer and frequent speaker at conferences all over the world – he gave the final plenary talk on fixed stars at the AA’s 2023 Conference. He is also active on social media: don’t miss his podcasts on Instagram and elsewhere.

17 January: The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of 20 April 2024 – What Can Boomsters (or Gloomsters) Expect?

A Virtual Talk with Anne Whitaker

On 20 April 2024 the Jupiter-Uranus exact conjunction occurs in Taurus – and this is not just an aspect for one day. Its ‘influence’ occupies a considerable timeline from build-up to aftermath, and here I examine what the past tells us of its historical correlations when these two powerhouse celestials join.

Jupiter meets Uranus every 14 years. It is described in Baigent, Campion and Harvey’s Mundane Astrology as connected to the “growth and awakening of human consciousness”. My unique historical research offers a guide as to what we can expect from the latest conjunction, based on work published in my e-book Jupiter Meets Uranus.

Anne Whitaker is a widely published astrologer with a regular column in The Astrological Journal. She also wrote a column for the old DELL HOROSCOPE magazine, and her work appears regularly on Astrodienst (astro.com) and in The Mountain Astrologer. Her latest book, Postcards to the Future – a collection of her essays – was highly praised. Her e-book Jupiter Meets Uranus has been rereleased with new material: further details on the e-book are at two websites: anne-whitaker.com/books-2/ and jupitermeetsuranus.wordpress.com.

In 2001 she co-founded the Scotland-based Aquarius Rising ‘tribe’ or group in Glasgow. And her blog ‘Writing from the Twelfth House’ (anne-whitaker.com) is hugely popular, showcasing her interests in planetary cycles (transits and progressions) and her delight in debates with fellow astrologers.

7 February: The Astrology of the Courtesan in History – neither Prostitute nor Mistress. Yet What?  

A Virtual Talk with Sue Brayne

Sue Brayne
Sue Brayne

The courtesan is often wrongly dismissed as either prostitute or mistress. She was (and possibly still is) neither. In history she occupied an ambivalent role, usually a highly independent woman who attached herself to men of power, monarchs or plutocrats. She was a feminist forerunner – and I have always been fascinated by courtesans. These extraordinary self-made earthly goddesses – often born in the gutter – possessed such magnetism, beauty, wit, and intelligence that male aristocracy fell at their feet and showered them with fabulous gifts. How did they do it? We will compare the astrological charts of famous courtesans to explore whether they possess similar themes and aspects and look at how the asteroids Casanova (the great seducer) and Phryne (ancient Greek courtesan) might play their part. So, get ready to explore if you, too, have what it takes to set hearts ablaze with passion and yearning…

Sue Brayne, MA, D.F.Astrol.S. Sue is a writer and astrological journalist and has an MA in Religious Studies and a second MA in Creative Writing. She is also a TEDx speaker and host of the ‘Embracing Your Mortality’ podcast. Sue’s passion for astrology began 30 years ago – she recently gained her Diploma with the Faculty of Astrological Studies – and her interviews with master astrologers appear regularly in The Astrological Journal. Her website: suebrayne.co.uk



*** Save the date – Spring Term Special *** 

Saturday 17 February: In person Astrology Day – the Astrology of Dreamwork 

Alex Trenoweth
Alex Trenoweth

Brighton Astrology Circle is pleased to welcome First Nation culture for a very special full day workshop on Dreamwork.

Although we know her better as an astrologer, teacher and author, our frequent guest speaker Alex Trenoweth is a registered band member of the Saugeen reservation (the Ojibway tribe) in Ontario Canada and has grown up understanding the value of dreams. After working with South African Sangoma Rod Suskin, Alex learned how astrology can help reveal the hidden meaning of our unconscious thoughts.

For her morning lecture, she will reach into her files to present case studies of dreams from (consenting) clients and will invite the BAC audience to share their dreams to demonstrate the power of the unconscious as well as the peace of mind that comes from understanding its messages.

In the afternoon, Alex will provide us the materials and invite us to learn how to make dreamcatchers. She will also share Ojibway stories and history. Before the workshop, Alex will post you her dreamkit which will help make your dreams more memorable so you can share them with our group.

Day Schedule – but subject to variation closer to time:

Session 1: Dreams analysis and the horoscope 

10:00 am – 12:30 pm including about 10-15 mins break for tea/coffee

Lunch 12:30 – 1:30 approx.

Session 2:  How to create your own dreamcatcher. This may include more case studies

1:30 pm – 4:00 pm including 10 mins (or more) break.

Closer to time those who have registered will receive more information on how to make the most of an exciting and stimulating day.

For more details click here


21 February: Saturn and Neptune in Pisces: Wading Through Muddy Waters…to Find Mystery and Romance

A Virtual Talk with Wendy Stacey

Wendy Stacey
Wendy Stacey

With Saturn and Neptune in Pisces muddying the waters, it is often difficult to see how deep and unsettling things may be… however, whilst these transits trigger planets in mutable signs – we can alter our perception and sink ourselves into mystery and vision, beauty, and romance. Saturn is the co-ruler of Aquarius and its position feeds into how Pluto’s transition from Capricorn to Aquarius may play out. This talk will explore the positive ways one can experience these transits and what we might expect. A reminder of Muddy Waters quote, ‘The blues had a baby and they called it rock and roll’.

Wendy Stacey (BA, MA, Dip LSA) is the principal of the international Mayo School of Astrology (since 2007) and Chair of the Astrological Association (since 2002). She has written numerous articles for the Astrological Journal and is the author of Consulting With Astrology (2012) and Uranus Square Pluto (2012). She has contributed to The New Generation (2012), The Professional Astrologer (2016) and Bitcoin (2018). In 2014 Wendy received the Charles Harvey award for ‘Exceptional Service to Astrology’. Wendy is also a tutor on the MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at the University of Wales. Email: wendy@mayoastrology.com  website: wendy@wendystacey.com

6 March: The Karmic Ghosts of your Natal Chart

A Virtual Talk with Giorgia Pecora

Giorgia Pecora
Giorgia Pecora

The Fourth, Eighth, and Twelfth houses compel us to confront the debts, shadows of former incarnations, our connection with our lineage, and the karmic stories associated with our genealogical tree. How can we navigate them in a conscious way? We will explore specific astrological signatures and strategies to empower our clients karmically.

Giorgia Pecora is a certified psychological astroconsultant and teacher, specializing in karmic dynamics, shadow work, relationship astrology, and astro genealogy. Her astrological approach is influenced by studies in theosophy, somatic work, shamanic practices, and sexological bodywork. In addition to her extensive background in Intercultural studies and Pedagogy, Giorgia holds an MA in Astrogenealogy from the School of Systemic Therapy “Astroconstelationes” under the guidance of Cecilia Garcia Robles. Since founding her school in 2017, she has passionately shared her knowledge with over 200 students. Giorgia’s teaching method is characterized as fun, dynamic, and community-oriented, creating an enriching learning experience for all. Expect lots of hand gestures in typical Italian style as well. For more information about her work, please visit www.visionairastrology.com.

20 March: Astrology, Divination and Symbol: the Connection between Revealed and Concealed Worlds

A Virtual Talk with Carole Taylor

Carole Taylor
Carole Taylor

In his book The Moment of Astrology, Geoffrey Cornelius asserts that all astrology involving judgement of birth charts is a form of divination, a view also reflected in the work of other influential astrologers. This has profound implications for any kind of chart work, ones which I think astrologers often struggle to work with in practice.

This talk explores the concept of divination within our ordinary practice of astrology, with the aim of showing how we might acknowledge the potency of the divinatory mindset without losing our fundamental view of the chart as an objective map of character. We will look at how divinatory modes of thinking have influenced astrology over the centuries. We will also think about the nature of symbols as connection between revealed and concealed worlds, inviting encounter with the symbol’s archetypal presence, where the astrologer is themselves part of the symbol’s manifestation. Throughout the talk, I will ground the ideas in practical examples, drawn from my own client practice and personal experience.

Carole Taylor is a full-time astrological consultant and educator, informed by a deep love of mythology, symbolism and the power of astrology to speak to the felt depths of human experience. She is a former President and Director of Studies at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, founder of its online classes programme and an extensive contributor to its course material. She is co-director of Asteria Teaching and of the Centre for Astrology, Myth and Symbol. She holds an MA in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred, and is a tutor on the Sophia MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David.

Carole is the author of Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life and co-author of Journey Through Astrology.


3 April: Letting out the Light: Gems, Rocks and Crystals of Astrology

A Virtual Talk with  Liz Hathway

Liz Hathway
Liz Hathway

‘Out of what storm of darkness .. came this incandescent stone’. Tales of iconic diamonds, gems, curses, fascination and thievery. Why do we love jewels so and what mysteries do they hold? An astrological journey into the fascinating world of rocks, crystals and gem stones.

Liz Hathway is an independent researcher with a special interest in rituals, sacred space, shamanism, magic and transformation.

A Welsh-born astrologer based in Amsterdam, Liz became interested in astrology at secondary school. She later studied at the Cosmos (in Amsterdam) – she holds the diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies, the horary diploma (John Frawley school) and an MA with distinction in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, University of Wales, Lampeter.

Liz has a YouTube channel (Astrovizier) and a busy practice in Amsterdam. Her mainly Dutch language blog has been earmarked by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Dutch National Library) for preservation for future researchers into social and cultural history.

Her website: lizhathwayastrology.nl

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