Local Astrology Events


Phoebe Wyss
Phoebe Wyss


Announcing the start of a new series of Saturday afternoon in-person workshops with Phoebe Wyss

The title is ‘Our Karmic Signature’ and the aim will be to deepen our understanding of how the major planets in our birth charts have been expressing their energies in our biography, and how their roots may reach back into our past lives.

The group, which is drop-in will take place at Phoebe’s house in Hove from 4-6pm on two Saturdays in the month during the autumn and winter, and instead of a set fee a donation to an environmental charity will be expected.

If you would like to be on the Inner Sky Explorers mailing list and receive further information about the workshops and how to book, please email Phoebe – phoebewyss@gmail.com . Note – the first meeting is on 16th September.





Seeking Earth inhabitants with an interest in all things planetary.
Could this be you?
Have you been studying astrology for a few hours or a few lifetimes?
AstroChat is a space to  meet in person, ask questions, explore and share information.
Join David and Julia in the Brighton area, on the First Monday of the month from 17.50 to 20.00
Please bring yourself  & your enthusiasm, no money required.
If you would like to come along  or you need more info please email either
Julia (julia.lawrence2207@gmail.com)
We all look forward to meeting you soon.