Saturday 22 February: The Liz Greene Workshop: Saturn and Chiron

Brighton Astrology Circle would like to invite you to join us on Saturday, 22 February 2025 for our in-person workshop of two parts:The Liz Greene Workshop: Saturn and Chiron

Held at the Cornerstone Community Centre, Church Road Hove, East Sussex BN3 2FL.



10am – 12.15 am (with a short tea/coffee break)

Saturn – Guardian of the Threshold!

With Lindsay Gladstone – MA, DFAstrolS

Lindsay Gladstone
Lindsay Gladstone

This workshop has been inspired by Liz Greene’s brilliant book Saturn – A New Look at an Old Devil. During its 29.5-year cycle Saturn acts as our mentor as we journey towards adulthood, maturity and beyond. In her book Liz Greene explains that through psychological and emotional experiences, particularly related to authority, duty, relationship and responsibility, Saturn’s function is to build a solid framework from which the psyche can operate effectively in its authentic wholeness.

Not an easy task! Often evoking within us feelings of fear, depression, and inadequacy. However, through perseverance, and self-recognition, Saturn can help us gain mastery over any perceived sense of non-achievement.

In the zodiac wheel Saturn rules Capricorn, the Cardinal, Earth sign, and is the traditional ruler of Aquarius, the Fixed, Air sign. In this workshop, supported by a visualisation of Saturn and through interpreting the placement of Saturn in the natal chart and reviewing the house it is currently transiting, we will attempt to identify the areas of life that pose a challenge for us.

Lindsay Gladstone is an astrological consultant and workshop leader. She has a Diploma of the Faculty of Astrological Studies (DFAstrolS), as well as an M.A. in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred. For a number of years she was a tutor for the Faculty of Astrological Studies, as well as Registrar for the Faculty’s prestigious Summer School. Her journey has evolved into Axis Mundi Astrology, giving client consultations, curating in-person workshops, as well as lecturing in the UK and abroad. Website:



1.15pm – 3:30 pm (with a short tea/coffee break)

Chiron: Projection, Shadows and Wounds

With Ana Isabel

Ana Isabel
Ana Isabel

To what extent are we truly aware of all our emotional, psychological or psychological wounds? What happens when they are left to fester in the dark cupboards of the unconscious? In this workshop, we will be looking at the ways in which hidden wounds can lead us to be defensive, overprotective, and hurtful to others, by examining Chiron in the birth chart. We may not always be able to cure a wound, but there is a process called ‘healing’.

Ana Isabel writes of her life and work: “When I left teaching and broadcasting, I decided to work as an astrologer. I began to give consultations, but I also began to teach astrology. I love watching my students as their interest grows in this wonderful subject. I am always delighted when they use their knowledge, and it helps them better understand themselves and others.

​“Besides teaching astrology, I also write about it and have appeared on many radio stations including the BBC to talk about astrology and take calls from listeners. More recently I had my own radio show, Lightways on My Spirit Radio.

​“Further training in Analytical Hypnotherapy and Past-Life Regression has led to working with clients to help them better understand their life’s purpose. Life is most joyful when it has meaning. To that end, I continue to work with my clients and students, helping them to fulfil their soul’s purpose.”

Ana Isabel’s website:


At both Workshops tea and coffee will be provided. Please bring your horoscopes for discussion and interactive exercises 

Date: Saturday 22 February 2025
Venue: The Loft – Top Floor Room, Cornerstone Community Centre, First Avenue, Hove BN3 2FL
Time: Start at 10am-3:30pm. Please arrive after 9.30am for the 10am start

To Book Your Place: The fee for the day is £35. Early bird until 17 February £30. 

To book – pay online via secure PayPal. 

Or pay at the door (but please email to reserve your ticker). You can also pay via bank transfer (send us an email if you prefer this option).